Six-steps to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Results
Dear Fellow Explorer,
What would you give to be able to achieve your dreams? Let's imagine that you could follow a simple six-step process that could change your life. Once learned, this process can be repeated over and over in simple and complex situations. What would you give to be able to change some of the things in your life which could bring more wealth and additional happiness?
Begin The Journey
Life is a journey not an ultimate destination. As we move through life there are a number of intermediate stops along that journey. Times when we can sit back and reflect on where we've been and map out where we want to go next. These decision points will determine the various paths we will choose to travel. Unless we have a clear vision of the path we plan to take and the results we want to achieve, we are destined to live a life of “I wish I had.” If we don’t know where we are headed all roads will lead us there. To make the most of our journey we should choose our paths carefully in order to reach our planned destinations.
All this is possible by following the methods described in "SOAR Without Limits" (Six-steps to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Results). The SOAR method will help us identify the appropriate paths and provide insight to navigate the paths we choose. You will learn how to use the six-step process to help you focus on the significant aspects of your life, overcome obstacles, and put a plan in place to achieve the results you desire.
The advantages of this method include:
- Its simplicity – the steps are easy to follow and each step logically flows into the next;
- Its focus – you can use the method to zero in on what is important to you;
- Its completeness – you will start with an event, idea, or dream and finish with a result;
- Its form – rather than a number of random topics, it's a process that can be learned and repeated as needed.
You are invited to take the journey
What do you expect of yourself? Many of us are so busy working at trying to meet the expectations of others; we fail to consider what we expect of ourselves. Misunderstanding of expectations is a prime contributor to wasting time and creating conflict. How often have you spent time, money and energy on an activity only to find out later that you really didn’t have a clear understanding of what was expected of you? The SOAR Method will help you clarify expectations and show you how to use your time more productively
Our perceptions are our realities. We think and act on our perceptions. Unfortunately, perceptions can be deceiving. Others may perceive the exact same situation differently. Too often we see and hear what we want to rather than what actually is. So even if our perceptions are our reality, our perceptions may not truly reflect what is actually happening in the real world. For instance, we are speeding down the road and we hear a police siren. Our perception, thoughts and feelings tell us we are about to be pulled over and given a ticket. We may become anxious and perspire a bit. Then the police car goes past us. We feel relieved and slow down. For a moment or two our perception became our personal reality. When we react based on our initial perceptions we may find ourselves reacting negatively.Fear
Fear can stop us in our tracks. Fear can be a major obstacle to reaching our goals in life. When we are paralyzed by fear we restrict our ability to take advantage of the possibilities that may be just around the bend. Each time we allow someone or something to stop us our personal journey is impeded. We will explore the basis for fear and offer suggestions on how to turn our fears into opportunities.Faith
Very few, if any, major accomplishments are achieved without faith. Faith in ourselves, faith in others, and faith in a Supreme Being will move us along our path. Faith is the glue that bonds our dreams and reality together. Faith helps us see the possibilities in life and helps us overcome the many obstacles between us and our goals. We will explore the characteristics of faith and explore how to use faith to achieve our dreams.Freedom
Freedom is the foundation of accomplishment. Freedom allows us to think and act independently. When our thinking and actions are unrestricted, we can unleash the power and energy within us. We can express our creativity and individuality to fulfill our destiny. Naturally, freedom also gives us the right to do nothing. The choices we make with the freedom given us will ultimately determine which road we will travel, what we will experience along the way, and where we will finish.
Can I really change?
Yes, if you have the right tools.
Yes, if you have the right tools.
The "SOAR Without Limits" process consists of six simple but effective steps. You may already be familiar with some of the techniques included in the steps. What will be different is the way we put these techniques together in a process that will help you remember and use the techniques when a situation requires them. It’s like learning the keys of a piano (techniques) and then using those keys to compose (process) a meaningful melody. A brief summary of each step follows.
A Six-step Process to Help You Achieve Your Dreams!
Events "happen to you" or "you make events happen".When you are confronted by an event created by someone or something else, you have to make a decision. Not making a decision is making a decision. These are usually the events that, at first, may not seem to be under your control. The reality is that even if you can't control them you can usually influence them. If the event is of your choosing, it is easier to exert the control you need to achieve the results you desire. In either experience your objective should be to influence the outcome. The following six-steps will help you achieve the results you want or desire.
Create Desired Outcomes
If we know what we want and can clearly envision the desired results, we take a major step toward capturing that concept called illusive happiness. Our desired outcomes may be as expansive as fulfilling our dreams or as narrow as getting through our daily task list. Naturally, there are many intermediate goals to pursue within those expansive boundaries. When we focus our attention on the significant issues and events in our life we become more productive and happier. The ability to recognize when we have control over issues and events that influence our lives shapes the choices we make on a daily basis. These choices prescribe the pathways we pave for ourselves and help determine whether we travel smoothly or continually face obstacles along the way. You will explore some of those dreams, goals, and tasks you have and establish criteria for achieving them.Behave Re-actively and Proactively
The ability to consciously decide between reactive and proactive behavior sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Managing our attitudes and reactions to issues and events helps us move toward our goals deliberately and comfortably. The skill with which we are able to move away from reactive behaviors to proactive behaviors determines the degree to which we can exercise control over our reactions and begin to develop new habits that will help us manage our lives more effectively. You will learn techniques that can be used to change habits and instill a proactive approach to life.Start Your Game Plan
Well, what’s it going to be reactive or proactive behavior? Hopefully. you have found some way to take a proactive approach to your event. You may not have all the information you need at this point to finalize your plan. But you can begin to formulate the general step you need to take and when you need to take them. You will learn how to lay out a simple game plan to help you continue on your journey.Share Information
Communication is a primary need in our society. The ability to communicate effectively is an illusive target. Just when you think you have mastered your ability to communicate, you find there are still opportunities for improvement. All you need to do is reflect on the verbal interactions you experience each day to realize that, generally, we do a terrible job of communicating with one another. You will discover how to use your verbal and non-verbal skills to communicate effectively with the people who can make your journey a little easier.Many of the goals and dreams you hope to accomplish in your life will require you to sell your ideas to others if you are to have the pleasure of their help and support. Sharing ideas helps you solidify your desired goals and dreams while overcoming perceived and real obstacles. You’d be amazed at the people who are willing to share in your dreams and make your journey more enjoyable. They can inspire us to stay the course when we falter. You will learn how to tap into the many resources available to overcome obstacles and achieve your preferred results.
Capture Time
Time is paradoxical. It is both concrete and pliable at the same time. Each of us is given a finite period of time to make our journey, but how we use that time is flexible. Managing our time requires us to focus on significant activities and eliminate the time wasters in our life. We need to use our limited time to do the things that are important to us and stop doing those activities that fail to help us grow and develop. We will explore a proven time management system that will let you use the fixed time we each have in a flexible and productive way.Take Action
Easier said than done? You bet! Taking action is what separates the dreamers from the doers. Many a step is missed between thought and action. Achieving our dreams and goals requires that we act on all the good work we do in the first five steps. Finalizing a simple but effective plan is mandatory to ensure that we stay the course and achieve the results in a positive and constructive way. You will become skilled at removing those thoughts of procrastination and replacing them with “can do” actions.
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