Sunday, June 7, 2009

I Need Your Help!!!

Real Life Experiences

I'm in the process of authoring a book (about 63 % done) on how we can take control of our own lives in six meaningful steps. The book is divided into three distinct sections:
  • The Purpose-some background information for those who might find it helpful
  • The Process- a chapter on each of the six-steps explaining the process with some real life examples (some readers will go directly to this section)
  • The Practice- closed and open exercises so the reader can get a firm handle on the concepts covered in sections I and II.

Target publishing date is July 2011. I 'm interested in hearing your life experiences on how you overcame obstacles to achieve a dream or objective.

If you are willing to share your experiences email me at Please let me know whether I can use your story with editorial comment and whether you would prefer to be named or remain anonymous.

If I use your information it will only be done with your approval of the final version of your story. You can go to What's it All About? in this blog at to read a brief summary of the six-steps. (By the way this is step 4 in the process.)

Let me know the challenges you faced and what you did to remove any obstacles you faced. What research tools and communication methods did you use? How did you feel during the process? What thoughts re: success or failure did you have? How did you feel and what did you think when you either achieved your desired result or gave it up? If you gave it up -why?

Please add whatever additional information a reader might find helpful if they faced a similar situation. Your information will be treated confidencially - your name will only be used with your explicit permission.

Larry Paz
Georgia, USA